კინოსა და ტექსტის ურთიერთქმედების სემიოტიკა XX საუკუნის 20-იან წლებში
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The rituals performed by the fire: narrations, singing or dancing were the visual- verbal expressing forms. This was the distance of the open space and of the portrayal picture vision as well mobilization of the spectator on the center of the light (fire) in darkness, which consolidated emotions of the spectator and listener.
It was exactly the same that would be happening in the cinemas since centuries. Thus, during the age’s rituals, collective walking to the churches was replaced by attending cinema theatres and clubs in the twentieth century’s communism epoch. Fire, as a universal mean of reincarnation was replaced by cinema in the twentieth century.
In the twenties of the twentieth century the fire mythologemes in the interaction of the cinema and the text were very well exposed not only in the works of Georgian futurists, but also in the creations of some proletarian writers that were carried away by futurism.